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Open PhD Positions in DLT / Blockchain Research

Organizational Management and Governance in the Age of Blockchain

This PhD research project explores how blockchain is changing organizations and their governance mechanisms. A blockchain can be described as a cryptographically enabled distributed database that holds immutable data.

The technology reconciles issues of uncertainty, risk, and trust, and holds the potential for a paradigmatic shift in how economic activities are organized. The DAO, the first instantiation of a decentralized autonomous organization, already illustrated how organizations put on a blockchain are characterized by governance mechanisms that are radically different from those of more traditional organizations.

Decentralized autonomous organizations are steered through decentralized decision-making and governance mechanisms that are technologically implemented as enforceable smart contracts.

This PhD research project explores the changes in governance in organizational management that are induced by the advent of blockchain, and their ramifications for organizations and society as a whole. The research project requires the application of a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods to achieve a deeper analytical understanding of the implications that the rise of blockchain poses for organizing economic activity and value.

The applicant is expected to have a strong academic background in Information Systems field and should aim for publishing his or her research in internationally leading journals. Besides making a theoretical contribution, the applicant is also expected to add value to society through research that is not only rigorous, but also relevant.

Contact person
Professor Roman Beck kd.utiobfsctd-14e8fc@kceb

Research Group

Read the official ITU announcement here.

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