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PhD Course 2021: Blockchain in Business Research

Blockchain “hard skills” are the number one looked for capability these days, in front of AI or data analytics skills, according to some LinkedIn statistics.

Equally high in demand is research on the potential of Blockchain in Business. Due to high demand, we offer our online course on “Blockchain in Business Research” again for PhD students in information systems, business administration, and related areas in October 2021.

ITU has been frequently ranked to be among the leading universities in the world in Blockchain education, with experience in PhD Blockchain summer schools since 2016.

More information and how to register you will find below. The course might be virtual, but the skills are real.

You will find more information here:—blockchain-in-business-research

The European Blockchain Center at the IT University of Copenhagen

Prof. Roman Beck, IT University of Copenhagen, kd.utiobfsctd-790b54@kceb
PhD fellow Jan Schwiderowski, IT University of Copenhagen, kd.utiobfsctd-67aec7@whcs
PhD fellow Asger Pedersen, IT University of Copenhagen, kd.utiobfsctd-79f3c9@pbsa

Dates of the course
4th to 7th October 2021 (Virtual course, online)

Course Registration
Final date of registration: 1st September 2021

Student participants enrolled at the Danish PhD school are free of charge, please state this in the registration and which university you are associated with. The course fee for international PhD students are 3950 danish kroner, which will sent as an invoice before the start of the course.

The registration and request for sign-up are to be sent to: PhD fellow Asger Pedersen, IT University of Copenhagen, kd.utiobfsctd-ffd8c@pbsa

Course description

Abstract and Learning Objectives

While blockchain-based applications such as Bitcoin are still in their infancy, a dramatic increase of industrial and academic interest in blockchain technology is evident. In addition, start-ups, as well as industry initiatives, are presently working intensely on blockchain-based innovations, making the technology one of the most promising drivers of innovation across many sectors and industries. However, understanding and designing of blockchain-based systems requires know-how in various areas, as well as mindful consideration of larger economic and societal issues.

This course will focus on educating students in blockchain technology to develop conceptual as well as practical solutions and learn how to generate new theoretical insights based upon their research. The participants will learn how blockchain works and how it may disrupt or transform existing business models. They will gain insights into paradigmatic changes occurring from economic, organizational, and computer science viewpoints. As learning outcomes, the participants will receive insights how to conduct information systems research on blockchain that is innovative, rigorous, and relevant.

How is the course of interest for PhD students?

  • Identifying research opportunities with leading edge technology
  • Understanding how blockchain technology may interact with and affect the respective phenomenon of their interest
  • Learning how to work in interdisciplinary settings with partners applying scientific methods on real-world problems
  • Critically reflecting on their own PhD projects in the light of emerging blockchain research and generating academically sound, theoretical insights
  • Writing a research paper on blockchain

Preparation and Literature:

For more information on the Essential Reading Material and additional information regarding assignments before course start can be found below.

Reading material
Participants will have to prepare the material assigned to them before the course takes place. The paper in 2. and 3. (see above link) will be assigned among the participating students who will prepare a brief presentation based on the paper as well as literature they are supposed to identify. The brief presentation should be power point slides that have to be sent to the organisers before the course takes place.

Assignments to present papers will be made before the course takes place.

Students interested in participating in the course must be enrolled as PhD student in an information systems, business administration, computer science, economics, or other cognate program.

For those seeking ECTS points for their PhD program, a written homework needs to be handed in after the seminar.

The course is eligible for 6 ECTS.

Amount of hours the student is expected to use on the course

Reading and preparation of seminal and assigned literature120
Preparation of presentations before the seminar4
Active participation on the days of the seminar24
Preparation of papers after the seminar32

The number of participants is limited to 30.

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