The European Blockchain Center is happy to announce that Prof. Dr. Dr. Roman Back has received a doctor honoris causa from the West University of Timisoara.
The title is awarded to important persons shaping the world and having an impact on science.
Prof. Beck has received this award for his important contributions to information systems and digital innovation, especially in the field of blockchain technology.
From their LinkedIn post, it is stated that:
“The academic community of the West University of Timisoara has a new honorific member as of June 9, 2023 – Professor Roman Beck from IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark).
His remarkable academic and scientific achievements and the evidence of exceptional professional expertise grounded the DHC award nomination from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
West University of Timisoara is honoured to award the title of Doctor Honoris Causa Scientiarum to Professor Roman Beck and welcomes him to our community.”
The European Blockchain Center and Prof. Beck would like to thank the doctorate honoris causa committee, the president and vice president of the university, the members of the senate, as well as the master of ceremony.
Time and place
June 9th, 2023
West University of Timisoara